* CountyCare is ranked one of the top managed care plans for quality by HFS and accredited by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
Primary care providers
Urgent care locations
in network
Hospitals in
Cook County
X-rays Fillings Crowns Root Canals Oral Surgery Dentures Check-ups 6-month cleanings Dental Exams Emergency dental services Routine services Cleanings
Contacts Glasses Frames Eye Exam Eye Doctor Vision Plan Bifocals
No-cost prescriptions Refills by mail X-rays Telehealth
24/7 Nurse Advice Line More Hospitals Urgent care More specialists
CountyCare’s new Visa cash rewards program lets you earn $10 to $50 for health screenings, annual checkups, flu shots and more! Rewards can be spent anywhere Visa cards are accepted. Use your rewards to buy groceries, pay utility bills, get gas or buy clothes^.
CountyCare helps you get to your appointments with rides or transit vouchers. CountyCare also offers telehealth counseling and no-cost prescriptions by mail or through our large pharmacy network that includes CVS, Walgreens and others.
^ The CountyCare Visa Rewards program cannot be used for the purchase of alcohol, tobacco, firearms or gambling
The Illinois Client Enrollment Services will send you information about your health plan choices when it is time for you to make a health plan choice and during your open enrollment period.