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We welcome your feedback. This is not the official survey, but please share your opinions if you did not receive the survey in the mail.
Your input helps us make improvements to better serve you.
Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst and 10 is the best
This form is confidential. We share this information with our care management teams to help manage your care. This form tells us what we need to know to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Once you complete the form, you will earn a $50 reward on your CountyCare Visa Rewards Card.Our care management team will reach out to you once you submit this form.
Follow these steps:Step 1: Complete all member informationStep 2: Complete the prenatal care provider information.Step 3: Submit the form.
*If you are pregnant, please continue to answer all the questions listed below.
This form is confidential. We share this information with our care management teams to help manage your care. This form tells us what we need to know to help you on your health journey.
Once you complete the form, you will earn $50 on your CountyCare Visa Rewards Card. Our care management team may reach out to you once the form is submitted.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Complete all member informationStep 2: Complete all questions within the health surveyStep 3: Submit the form
*If you are a member, please continue to answer all the questions listed below.
This form is for CountyCare members ages 13 years and older. Parents or guardians can complete the survey on behalf of their minor children by texting the word "SURVEY" to 47181 and entering their child's Member ID and Date of Birth or by calling Member Services at 312-864-8200, toll-free at 855-444-1661, or 711 (TTY)