CountyCare &
Community Partnerships

CountyCare is committed to connecting with community partners that help promote health and wellness.

You can find more information on how to partner with CountyCare here!

Interested in connecting with CountyCare?

CountyCare hosts a Community Stakeholder Committee meeting once every quarter. These virtual meetings are open to any community organization that provides resources and supports to the communities served by CountyCare.

Please complete this form to receive invitations to participate in CountyCare’s Community Stakeholder Committee and to receive regular updates from CountyCare.

¿Por qué CountyCare? Obtenga más información

Would you like to invite CountyCare to join your community event?

CountyCare partners with community organizations in many ways! While we are always eager to participate in community events, our outreach team will need to review each opportunity independently to assess if we have the capacity to participate.

Please complete this form to request CountyCare’s participation in your community organizations’ event.

Would you like to follow
CountyCare’s social media accounts?

Follow CountyCare on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and feel free to share our social media content.

Are you seeking monetary donations or sponsorship from CountyCare?

CountyCare is a public, provider-led health plan operating under Cook County Health. Because of this, unfortunately CountyCare is unable to provide financial support without Cook County approval.

Cook County has an ordinance governing County sponsorship of charitable events. Unless the sponsorship is of the County’s Annual Campaign or is in support of a Qualified Organization (defined as those charities listed in the State Comptroller’s SECA Charity Book, which is amended each year), the sponsorship requires approval by the County Board.
