CountyCare Access

CountyCare Access to program w ramach CountyCare, planu Medicaid, który jest częścią HealthChoice Illinois.

  • Program CountyCare Access jest przeznaczony dla osób, dla których departament ds. opieki zdrowotnej i usług na rzecz rodzin stanu Illinois (ang. Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, HBIS). zatwierdził możliwość skorzystania z programu świadczeń zdrowotnych dla dorosłych imigrantów lub seniorów (ang. Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults or Seniors, HBIA).
  • Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA) and Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors (HBIS) are programs for people who are 42 years old or older and meet the income guidelines. They must either be undocumented (have not applied for legal residency) or have applied for legal residency and been here over 5 years. Anyone who has applied for legal residency but has been here less than 5 years may be eligible for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
  • Twój zespół opieki zdrowotnej obejmuje lekarza podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej (PCP), lekarzy specjalistów, koordynatorów opieki, farmaceutę i Ciebie. Naszym głównym celem jest zapewnienie wysokiej jakości opieki zdrowotnej.
  • Nie ma żadnych współpłatności! CountyCare Access to jedyny plan zdrowotny Medicaid, który oferuje usługi objęte ubezpieczeniem bezpłatnie dla Ciebie i Twojej rodziny.
  • Rejestracja w programie ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego oferowanym przez organizację opieki zarządzanej (ang. managed care organization) takim jak świadczenia zdrowotne dla dorosłych imigrantów lub seniorów (Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors (HBIS) i Health Benefit for Immigrant Adults (HBIA)) nonie liczy się jako pomoc rządowa, o której mowa w regule „Public Charge”. Rejestracja w tych programach nie będzie miała wpływu na Twój status imigranta ani na wniosek imigracyjny. Aby znaleźć więcej informacji na temat pomocy rządowej objętej regułą nie affect your immigration status and immigration application. For more information about public charge, visit the About Us — PIF-IL ( website or ILLINOIS – Public Charge, Benefits and Immigration | Keep Your Benefits Możesz również zadzwonić na infolinię Family Support Hotline ICIRR, dostępną w języku angielskim, hiszpańskim, koreańskim i polskim: 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693).

Podręcznik dla uczestników programu CountyCare Access

Niniejszy podręcznik zawiera informacje na temat świadczeń medycznych, sposobu korzystania z usług opieki zdrowotnej, praw i obowiązków oraz inne informacje.

Cover of the CountyCare Access Member Handbook, featuring a man looking confidently upward. The logos for CountyCare and HealthChoice Illinois are displayed at the top, along with contact information for member services.

Usługi dla uczestników programu CountyCare Access

W razie pytań prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny.
855-444-1661 (bezpłatny)
711 (TTY)

Monday – Friday, 8AM – 6PM (Central Time)
Saturday, 9AM – 1PM (Central Time)

Infolinia z poradą pielęgniarki, dostępna 24 godziny na dobę, każdego dnia w roku. Obejmuje pomoc w przypadku pytań dotyczących planu zdrowotnego w godzinach pracy.

CountyCare Access
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


You are still enrolled in Medicaid. CountyCare Access is the health plan that will manage your Medicaid healthcare benefits.

Your healthcare coverage will remain the same and you will now have access to additional benefits and rewards. To learn more, call CountyCare Member Services at 312-864-8200, 711 (TTY/TDD) Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm or Saturday: 9:00am–1:00pm or visit

CountyCare has a large network of doctors, including 4,500 primary care providers (PCPs), 20,000 specialists, 100 urgent care locations and 70 hospitals that proudly accept CountyCare Access members. If you need help with confirming that a doctor you have seen in the past is in the CountyCare network, call CountyCare Member Services at 312-864-8200, 711 (TTY/TDD). Otherwise, we will find a doctor that is in or close to your community. You can search for a PCP at:

You can change your PCP by calling Member Services at 312-864-8200, 711 (TTY/TDD) Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm or Saturday: 9:00am– 1:00pm or login to our secure member portal CountyCare Health Plan

Yes, you will be eligible for dental services. You must go to an in-network dental provider to receive dental services. You can find a CountyCare Access dental provider by going on our website Find a Provider ( or by calling CountyCare Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY).

Yes, you can receive vision services. You must go to an in-network provider to receive vision services. You can find a CountyCare Access vision provider by going on our website Find a Provider ( or by calling CountyCare Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY).

CountyCare Access covers doctor and hospital visits, dental and vision care, prescriptions and much more. Our members also have access to behavioral health services like therapy and substance-use disorder treatment. However, CountyCare Access does not cover some transplants, long-term care services over 90 days, or home and community-based waiver services. You can find more information on additional benefits in your member handbook or here on our website. If you have any questions about your benefits, please call Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY).


No, there are no costs to enroll in CountyCare Access.

No, CountyCare Access is the only Medicaid health plan that offers covered services at no-cost to you. There will be no costs for any services that are covered under the benefit for CountyCare Access members.

No, CountyCare Access does not have any co-pays or costs to you for any covered services.

No, there are no costs or co-pays to see your doctor or primary care provider (PCP).

No, you will not have to pay for any medication that is prescribed by your doctor on the State of Illinois preferred drug list. To check whether your medication is covered, click tutaj.

Public Charge/Immigration Status

No, it will not. Some CountyCare Access members may be concerned with a policy called “public charge.” The use of CountyCare, including all benefits and rewards, does not count towards public charge.

If you have more questions or concerns, please use these resources:

  • Email Protecting Immigrant Families at [email protected]
  • Call the Immigrant Family Resource Program at 1-855-437-7669

Using CountyCare Access

We are happy to answer all of your questions related to CountyCare Access! Call our Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY) or find more information here on our website.

If you have not already done so, make an appointment with your primary care provider (PCP). Their name and phone number will be on the front of your ID card. You can change your PCP at any time by calling Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY).

You will receive a welcome letter in the mail from CountyCare Access with your member ID. Please make sure you take this card to all your appointments.

Please read over all of the materials that you receive, including the Member Handbook. It has a lot of useful information that can explain CountyCare Access. If you still have questions or do not receive information in the mail from CountyCare, call Member Services at 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY).

CountyCare uses different ways to stay in touch with members. You can expect to receive a welcome call when you join the plan and text messages from us. We also mail information to our members on important updates. You may also receive phone calls and emails from our team.
