
No cost health services and expert care – at your fingertips.

CountyCare’s Medicaid health plan offers access to 70 hospitals, benefits like LASIK, dental and المكافآت التي تعزز نمط حياة صحي.

التفكير في CountyCare؟

As a CountyCare member, we've got you covered.

عروض كاونتي كير الخدمات المغطاة, at no cost, to those who are enrolled in Medicaid through HealthChoice Illinois, the statewide Medicaid managed care program. There are no copays or deductibles even for visits to your doctor or prescriptions. No cost means no cost!

لمقدمي الخدمات

شكرا لكونك جزء من شبكتنا.

CountyCare partners with providers like you to work directly with our members to improve their health.

CountyCare is the Plan That Understands

Available to everyone enrolled in HealthChoice Illinois, CountyCare is Cook County’s largest Medicaid health plan with access to more than 6,600 primary care providers, 26,000 specialists and 70 hospitals throughout Cook County.

تغطي CountyCare زيارات الطبيب والمستشفيات ، ورعاية الأسنان والرؤية ، والوصفات الطبية وغير ذلك الكثير. يتمتع أعضاؤنا أيضًا بإمكانية الوصول إلى خدمات الصحة السلوكية مثل العلاج وعلاج اضطرابات تعاطي المخدرات.
